Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Haiti last year November 28 hold presidential election the first vote

Haiti last year November 28 hold presidential election the first vote, the result announces after, the large-scale protest activity happens to grounds like prince harbor in capital city,etc one after another and protests against that the ruling party profits oneself to embezzle in the silk head scarves election.At the beginning of in this month, Haiti elects committee to declare at the time, owing to afresh examining of the head round ballot outcome work still not yet finished, decide that the presidential election second run vote in Haiti being original to hold on the 16th of this month postponing, the concrete date needs to be settled.
(Responsibility editor:Yang Jian)
Disarm the organization of business hall
Working talent and organization
Disarm a business high class representative
Director and disarm a deluxe representative of business deputy

Raise to help an efficiency

He appeals at the same time international the social enlargement supports after-calamity reconstruction in Haiti of effort, and help Haiti should to the cholera epidemic situation.
Wang Min says that after-calamity reconstruction heavy load through thick and thin in wool scarves Haiti faces many challenges and needs the long-term support and help of international society.He appeals to carry out to commitment in helping of Haiti quickly concerning the everyone.Other organizations, international financing institution and region in United Nations organizes etc. should strengthen coordination further, definitely division of labour, raise to help an efficiency, avoid repeated labor and waste of resources.
Wang Min says that United Nations Haiti is stable specially appointed regiment(allied silk scarves sea regiment) for supported safety stability in Haiti to develop important function.At present situation bottom, allied the sea regiment should concentrate an energy help Haiti support a safety stability, push political progress and support Haiti safety, the ability construction of the judicial etc. section.He said that hoped that United Nations strengthens the comprehensive valuation to situation in Haiti and strengthens safe early warning and crisis management, effectively should to various safe threat and the challenge.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

000 acres and registers for the record to check place to illegally use a ground of case 28

(Responsibility editor:Yang Jian)
Medium new agency Peking give or get an electric shock(reporter Ruan Yu Lin) 2010 on January 20, China discovers to illegally use behavior 53,000 and involves land area 418,000 acres and registers for the record to check place to illegally use a ground of case 28,000 among them.Enforce the law to take charge of situation to keep on to like, local government predominance of illegally violate the rules to use a ground of problem severity.
National territory resources department enforces the law to inspect bureau chief Li Jian in the bureau frequently to say on the news conference that Peking holds on the 20th, the Wei slice of the land enforces the law to check first time overlay 2859 county City in the whole country in the Year 2009 is, 2073 among those counties City for develop for the very first time.The first time mainly leads personnel and other liable leadership personnel is starts to ask a responsibility to the government that illegally uses a ground of serious region according to 《breach a land management rules behavior punishment way (15 order)》 .

The national territory resources department decides to be listed illegal case of 8 national territory resourceses of directors

At the same time, determinedly check place to breach a national industry policy, provide the productivity excess of land administration plan, repeated the construction etc. items to illegally uses behavior, constantly the performance real estate macro view adjusts to control measure and enlarges to illegally violate the rules to use ground to the real estate item and illegally cover to violate the rules to constuct one strength for place for checking of golf course behavior, insist that public notification and nominal quotation director illegally violate the rules case.
For enlarge a national territory resources realm the illegal case check one strength for place, the national territory resources department decides to be listed illegal case of 8 national territory resourceses of directors.Among them include proper guest City Cui in Sichuan province to hold area government break the law batch ground case, province proper Chang City, Hubei programs sections like bureau,etc to violate the rules to grant to constuct villa and Yangtse gorges Hong Ming tour real estate development the limited company illegally cover to violate the rules to constuct a golf course case, Jin river City is department concerned in Fukien province illegally approval alienation the land set up a villa case, Chongqing City south Chuan area Chinese overseas group illegally cover a case etc..

Strict norm management

Li Jian frequently says that in recent years, national national territory resources management system around economy society development general situation, strict norm management, national territory resources guarantee kimono duty economy society development obtained to show Zhao result.In 2010, national territory resources department the strong dint push forward in the Year 2009 is Wei slice in the land to enforce the law a check and check scope for the very first time overaly a whole country combine the first time start ask a responsibility and develop routine inspector to 77 land exploitation in cities and the management circumstances and develop minerals like sparse soil,etc particularly item Be whole to cure an activity.
Li Jian frequently puts forward, all levels national territory resources management the section want to raise to enforce the law to take charge of effect further and work well in the Year 2009 is Wei slice in the land to enforce the law check to ask a responsibility, will ask responsibility implementation good enough, and begin to prepare in the Year 2010 is the land mineral Wei slice to enforce the law a check.

Yang Jian)
Video frequency

According to incompletely statistics, movable period, totally select and appoint a party to set up to guide member more than 330,000s everywhere, organize party organization representative director and party to set up to guide a member to train 15.
(Responsibility editor:Yang Jian)
Video frequency:National territory resources department:The land breaks the law to be listed director and processing case notification
Medium new agency Peking give or get an electric shock(reporter Ruan Yu Lin) "2011 is"25" programmings of open the year of bureau, China follows with speed change economy development way for lately a development period of lord line, at the same time again face a city county to change an election, place development power the head is sturdy, the national territory resources supply and demand antinomy is getting more outstanding, illegally violates the rules to sprung pressures bigger, enforce the law to take charge of a task heavy, face graveness test" on January 20, the national territory resources department enforces the law to inspect bureau chief Li Jian in the bureau frequently to say to the reporter in Peking on the 20th.

Get a main of business enterprise widespreadly welcoming of the property person and officers and workers

The whole Zhe Zhu convenes on that very day of"whole country not owned by public make economy organization create to contend for an excellent activity first to guide work symposium" point out, not owned by public make economy organization create to contend for an excellent activity first, take"push speed economy development way change, help the business enterprise to carry out science development" as topic, continuously extend the grass-roots organization coverage of party, actively guide not owned by public make economy organization the party organization and party member combine the business enterprise production management activity and have a foothold the post create to contend for first excellent, get a main of business enterprise widespreadly welcoming of the property person and officers and workers, crowd.