Sunday, February 13, 2011

000 acres and registers for the record to check place to illegally use a ground of case 28

(Responsibility editor:Yang Jian)
Medium new agency Peking give or get an electric shock(reporter Ruan Yu Lin) 2010 on January 20, China discovers to illegally use behavior 53,000 and involves land area 418,000 acres and registers for the record to check place to illegally use a ground of case 28,000 among them.Enforce the law to take charge of situation to keep on to like, local government predominance of illegally violate the rules to use a ground of problem severity.
National territory resources department enforces the law to inspect bureau chief Li Jian in the bureau frequently to say on the news conference that Peking holds on the 20th, the Wei slice of the land enforces the law to check first time overlay 2859 county City in the whole country in the Year 2009 is, 2073 among those counties City for develop for the very first time.The first time mainly leads personnel and other liable leadership personnel is starts to ask a responsibility to the government that illegally uses a ground of serious region according to 《breach a land management rules behavior punishment way (15 order)》 .

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