Saturday, September 11, 2010

O'Connor's friend. Maya Te. Lee

William. Se Sensi, O'Connor's friend. Maya Te. Lee , playwright, she met in 1956 and O'Connor, the two soon become friends. In O'Connor during his lifetime, Maya Te. Lee was
christian louboutin trying to O'Connor's novel into a screenplay, but not until after the death of O'Connor This desire was realized. years, maintained a long correspondence. O'Connor, a famous short story. the name of two songs, tunes grief. Victor. Hugo l802 ~ 1885 19 century Romantic literary figure, known as the Lun hands of a general, his father Hugo childhood troops in Spain, 10-year-old back to Paris to attend school, secondary school graduates into law school, age 20 published his first book of poetry. Hugo went through almost 19 century, all the major incidents in France, his creative process more than 60 years, including 26 works of poetry volume, 20 volume novel, Volume 12 plays, 21 volumes theoretical philosophy with a total volume of 79 as christian louboutin shoes much as the human literature for adding a brilliant cultural heritage .
masterpiece: the novel mind er , coup, Hugo took part in the Republican organization of the uprising. Louis came to power after the establishment of the French Second Empire, the policy of terror, ruthless suppression of rebels. Hugo has been persecuted, forced into exile. 1870 outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, French defeat, the Prussian army threaten Paris. Hugo in exile for 19 years after the return to the motherland, he lectured called to unite the French people against aggression, defend the motherland. 1885, the rain .200 10 000 people died age took to the streets of Paris, took part in the great poet unprecedented state funeral. a place in the 15th century French story. novels exposed the hypocrisy of religion, the two characters vicar Rover Rollo and Quasimodo in sharp contrast to the former pious, which looks ugly but kind-hearted Hugo is the most important literary christian louboutin sale masterpiece. fiction vast space, a total of five. From the beginning of 1828 the idea to write just creation in 1845 until 1861 to complete, which lasted 30 years.

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