Monday, October 11, 2010

Koompassia e xcelsa

Koompassia e xcelsa; tualang, manggis. scribe legumes, are willing to Croton. trees and distribution of large trees, tree height 50-80m or more; diameter 120-200cm. Production in Thailand, the Philippines, Palawan Island and West Malaysia, Kalimantan and other places. This is a common material goods and Malay large Gan Gan croton croton two. Wood Department Herve Leger of diffuse porous wood and wood characteristics. distinction between heartwood and sapwood obvious; dark red heartwood, is transmitted by air oxidation of chocolate brown;
sapwood gray or brown, often with pink stripes. growth ring was not obvious. pores & c. in the eyes clear. wood and shiny, no special smell, and taste; texture staggered or wave-shaped; structure of crude, even slightly. wave marks visible under the naked eye, the stellar cell no. timber containing a concentric phloem, when many saw in the solution was discarded. brittle heartwood is rare. wood properties of dry shrink very small, all dry shrinkage rate: 7.4% tangential; radial 6.0%; air-dry shrinkage rate: tangential 1.7%; radial 1.5%. timber weight;

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