Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fought for so many years in the business

Marlee is still in a coma. Doctors told Korean Studies, the patient suffered serious brain concussion, a variety of unexpected situations that may occur at any time and hope the patient is family to have a certain mental preparations.Why? Whammy! Korean Studies sitting bedside, unconsciously touch Marlee hand. Her hand has lost its temperature, ice cool, no feeling like a stone.Korean Studies eyes suddenly christian louboutin shoes moist. He has not cried for many years? Or his ex-wife died, he hid in the corner no one, burst out crying, the heart can not afford to say, all poured out. Since then, both gains and losses, successes and failures, he would stride. Fought for so many years in the business, making money is not the only purpose. In fact, he just to get some of their more substantial. Therefore, business profit and loss, in his heart can not cause any waves.
He knew, no emotional sustenance, he was just an empty shell. Marlee encounter, he found that life suddenly became better together. Indeed, he awoke in his feelings in the subtle, incredible changes have taken place. Just because this one woman, an optimistic, cheerful woman. Her life was so unfortunate, but she did not bow to fate, the courage to break out a world of their own. But God is so people get. Being away from him and she is so close, but one by one disaster to hit.Korean Studies cry, let the tears slowly across the cheek.

Sister see Marlee Chang dry lips

She understood that anything not blending into the love inside. Anything can be indulgent, not only love tease.Yan child.Ah.... ...Losers? Said that, ah!... ...Said ah! Anxious people.I had blisters Zuidou. Lit.I see. Liu Yan a look, and sure enough Lei blistering of the lips. She lightly kissed his eyes infinitely gentle to ask: Is it better now it?I ask you, you told me is true?Say?You say you have a new boyfriend, is that the South doctor.Liu Yan happy laugh, Fool, that was my dad is a client, from discount louboutin the South to talk about business.
Say what you believe fool, hehe ... ...Korean Studies called the department heads are meeting in the conference room. Meeting halfway through, when suddenly the phone rings Korean Studies, is the care of Sister Ma Li Zhang calling. Zhang Sister anxious heard the voice of the heart to learn Korean, Ko Deng look. Sure enough, Zhang big sister told him a very good news - Marlee injured.This morning, Zhang Sister, as usual, with Marlee to the square on the walk. Weather is unusually hot, hot,. Sister see Marlee Chang dry lips, knowing she was thirsty, they go to a nearby supermarket to buy mineral water. Originally Marlee was sitting on the bench, but I do not know why the highest point reached the square stone table. Zhang sister ran back quickly, but eventually took a step late, watched her from the stone platform planted down.Korean Studies immediately adjourned the meeting, drove to the hospital.

I do not get angry

At this time, Lei Liu Yan is body was slightly shaking, could not see her face, she was able to feel the tears.How christian louboutin discount come you do so heartless?I,m sorry, all my fault.How come you have the heart to hurt me again and again? Where I was wrong in the end?Yan child, you listen to my explanation, please? Day, I was drunk. I do what Zhao did not rain.
She rejected in love, looking for someone complained, and I was feeling very depressed. Money is the second fat bank account number. You,re away from me. I do not get angry? So, I was drunk, outspoken, you will forgive me, okay? brilliant child. You know I have these days is the loud noise it? Every night to drink, you just want to forget that day and the scene with her, forgot you hurt me. But I will never forget. At regular nightmares I do not want to lose you ... ... ... ... Liu Yan suddenly turned, arms flapping in Lei, crying, How come you do so heartless? crying, while beating Zhang Lei.Lei like puppets, let Liu Yan and pinch or bite. He has been very sad, and he did not expect Liu Yan painful than a million times.Yan son. You cry! Crying out all the grievances. Then we can regardless of what others dream of others circle. We cherish their love. It can not be replaced. You say, okay?Liu Yan whimper with and kept nodding, his face buried deep in the arms of Lei.Thus embracing a long, long time, Liu Yan has finally revealed the long-lost smile.

Since the odds with the brilliant child

But on the other hand, after all he is the son of you and Uncle Yan, relationships much noise so stiff, always trying to solve. Since Huang Shushu aware of their mistakes, it should give him a chance to take the initiative to turn over. Liu Qiang nodded and said: It should be like this. However, my father went to Beijing to have a week to come back.Lei thought, since the odds with the brilliant child, she has many days did not come home. Even Uncle Liu went to Beijing and do not know. Yan does not know the child is now OK? He came back so late every night, in the end what have you been? Are they really as she said, at a new boyfriend? Is the thin, like the South as a cucumber doctor?
Lei leave out in the time, Liu Yan came in the door. She saw Lei, feel surprised a moment, but christian louboutin shoes soon to avoid eyes, heard in silence back to his room.Lei stood there, caught in a dilemma. Liu Qiang went to his front, said: It also froze doing? Quickly into Hong Hong her. My sister was not really angry with you, you know how much she cares about you?Lei Wang under one mind, no matter how brilliant take their child, must take to save the feelings come back. After this time, the separation, he has been deeply felt, brilliant son was missing in his life can not be a woman.Liu Yan gently into the room and saw her standing by the window, motionless.Really rude, do not knock into the room. She had felt his existence.Lei walked over, clinging to his waist from behind, close to her ear, whispered: Do not be angry regeneration, ok? We also, as before, happily together.

Lei did not feel it necessary to hide

I want them to talk about it. Ashamed to say, so many years not contact, and now they live at home, I do not know. If I knew, I would have gone to an abject apology. Lei Huang Zheming urgent desire to understand, after all, is thicker than water, family care is always inseparable. However, this time with the brilliant child relationship troubles me stiff, there has been no time to her house. Things done or not, is still between the two can be. However, Huang Shushu requests discount louboutin should try to meet him, because it is related to several families key to happiness.
The next day after work, Lei Liu Yan bite the bullet and went home. Liu Qiang He was received. The two meet, very happy, said many words of greeting. Later, Liu Qiang remembered, Liu Yan Lei is specifically looking for her sister is. Himself with joy, and forgot to tell his sister these days often got home late.I always feel something wrong with my sister. Every night before coming back, with her alcohol. Lei brother, you and my sister in the end, yo? Liu Qiang asked.Lei did not feel it necessary to hide, they said exactly again. I heard Uncle Lei Liu Qiang is mother with the love, can not help but surprise.Lei brother, tell you the truth. I,m Uncle past life is a failure. Do not blame my sister angry, he is too much. Our whole family, including me basking, no one do not hate him.Zhang Lei said: That is a thing of the past. Huangshu Shu regret now, looking for a chance to remedy, so let me come to Uncle Liu. About time to see a face. I think so, and Huang Shushu and my mom love, that is their thing, as Success and fail, by their fate.