Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Since the odds with the brilliant child

But on the other hand, after all he is the son of you and Uncle Yan, relationships much noise so stiff, always trying to solve. Since Huang Shushu aware of their mistakes, it should give him a chance to take the initiative to turn over. Liu Qiang nodded and said: It should be like this. However, my father went to Beijing to have a week to come back.Lei thought, since the odds with the brilliant child, she has many days did not come home. Even Uncle Liu went to Beijing and do not know. Yan does not know the child is now OK? He came back so late every night, in the end what have you been? Are they really as she said, at a new boyfriend? Is the thin, like the South as a cucumber doctor?
Lei leave out in the time, Liu Yan came in the door. She saw Lei, feel surprised a moment, but christian louboutin shoes soon to avoid eyes, heard in silence back to his room.Lei stood there, caught in a dilemma. Liu Qiang went to his front, said: It also froze doing? Quickly into Hong Hong her. My sister was not really angry with you, you know how much she cares about you?Lei Wang under one mind, no matter how brilliant take their child, must take to save the feelings come back. After this time, the separation, he has been deeply felt, brilliant son was missing in his life can not be a woman.Liu Yan gently into the room and saw her standing by the window, motionless.Really rude, do not knock into the room. She had felt his existence.Lei walked over, clinging to his waist from behind, close to her ear, whispered: Do not be angry regeneration, ok? We also, as before, happily together.

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